Check out our new YouTube Channel (Grand Swan Farm) for our latest how to videos!!!!!
Check out our new YouTube Channel (Grand Swan Farm) for our latest how to videos!!!!!
Many people have asked me what I use as a feeder for my swans. I use the bergon Aut-o-Dine 25. This can be purchased from Amazon (of course) or most tractor supply stores. Use this link for a YouTube Video showing how to adapt this dog feeder into a swan feeder:)
This is the view of the inside of the feeder. It has a baffle that prevents the feed from pouring out of the bottom. You can also see on the inside where there is use a "U" bolt to fasten the feeder to a post. The post needs to be at least 2" in diameter. You pound the post at the edge of you pond (make sure you can reach it from shore in order to refill). Also make sure the open part of the
This is an image showing the front of the feeder. As you can see, the door has been modified. Swans won't push on the door like a dog would so you have to cut the front door in half using a sawzall or similar tool. The door can be removed for easier cutting. By doing this the swan can see their food. Don't be worried if they don't start using the feeder immediately. It may take several weeks
If you listen to researchers who have studied the Mute Swan, they will say an adult swan will eat 6-8 lbs of SAV matter per day. WOW! I believe those who want to eliminate the Mute Swan from North America tend to exaggerate this number to make people believe they are very damaging to the ecosystem. The same people are in favor of reintroducing the Trumpeter Swan. THEY EAT THE EXACT SAME VEGETATION AND MORE OF IT! (Sorry, but I get excited over this subject:) I don't doubt that they eat such a large amount of
SAV matter but the reason for such a large amount is the nutrition level is so low, they need this amount to get the nutrients they have to have to survive especially in the winter. My pond has very little SAV matter. They do graze on grass some but 95% of their food comes from their feeder. On average my Mute Swans will eat 1/2 to 3/4 of a pound of feed per day.
Most ponds do not provide enough SAV matter to provide a proper diet for your swans. We, as humans, will never be able to replace exactly what Mother Nature provides, but we can come close. SAV matter is very low in protein which is another reason they need to eat so much. So it stands to reason that you would need to feed your swans something that is equally low in protein. Fish food and dog food are both very high in protein and could cause internal damage to your swan. True, your Pen needs more protein during egg laying but after that, not so much. I try to keep my total protein at 12% or less. This is accomplished by using a mixture of whole corn, scratch grains and 16% layer pellets.
Mix equal parts of all 3 feeds and place in feeder. PLEASE, don't think that I am an "expert" on swan nutrition. All of this information is from hours of "googling" and personally talking with several breeders who have been raising swans for many, many years as well as my own experiences. To me, it ALL seems logical.